The five senses in Quechua conception

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Francisco Carranza Romero


The human being follows a process of realization: discovery of the external world by his senses; then, he discovers himself. This study is about the five senses of the human being that are manifested in the lexicon (denomination and connotation), popular statements, pathology, and traditional therapy according to the Quechua conception of the Ancash area. We repeat the universal principle: We feel before we think. Our five senses are sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. The human being, by nature, has the sense organs in the anterior part of the body.



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How to Cite
Carranza Romero, F. (2024). The five senses in Quechua conception. Llalliq, 4(1), Pág. 9–26.
Cultura andina
Author Biography

Francisco Carranza Romero, Instituto de Estudios de Asia y América, Dankook University, Corea del Sur




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