Capital humano e ingresos laborales en el Perú, año 2023: Una aproximación de las principales brechas salariales
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This study addresses the causal relationship between human capital and labor income in Peru in the year 2023, adopting a complementary approach, which identifies and estimates the main gaps, we use an instrumental variable to mitigate possible endogeneity problems. The main objective is to identify how human capital affects labor income. A multiple regression model has been used, using information from the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) and the National Household Survey (ENAHO). The completion of the educational level, coded as a dummy variable, was used as an instrumental variable, which facilitated a more precise estimation of the causal impacts of human capital on labor income. The study revealed that significant wage gaps persist. The gender gap is 21.9% in 2023, with women working in lower productivity sectors. There is a wage gap of 11.3% between urban and rural areas, with higher wages in urban areas. Independent workers earn 29.3% less than dependent workers, due to precarious work conditions. Formal workers earn 25% more than informal workers. Additionally, high job skills increase hourly wages by 22.4%, highlighting the need to invest in vocational education and training.
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