Is the principle of the best interest of the child a cause for mitigation of the applicable penalty in the peruvian legal system?
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The purpose of this article was to analyze from a doctrinal, normative and conventional point of view, whether there are sufficient reasons for judges to opt for the application of the principle of the best interests of the child as a criterion for mitigating the sentence against the accused. For this purpose, a dogmatic-legal study was carried out, under a non-experimental, transversal and descriptive-explanatory design and exegetical, hermeneutical and legal argumentation methods were used. The results indicated that Peruvian criminal judges apply the principle of the best interests of the child as a criterion for mitigating the sentence despite not being provided for in articles 45 or 46 of the Penal Code related to the budgets to base and determine the sentence, as well as well as the mitigating circumstances, respectively. It was concluded that the application of this principle corresponds to a conventional requirement, although following the issuance of Plenary Agreement No. 1-2023/CIJ-112 it is considered that the position will vary, since the established legal doctrine must be invoked by all judges of all instances and, on this issue, in its legal basis 50, punitive reduction has been ruled out due to the best interests of the child.
Keywords: punishability; conventional law; principle of the best interests of the child.
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