Fender player plus meteora HH: Una reseña

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Maricsa Jerkovic
Ruben Collantes González


Since the Esquire's appearance in 1950, Fender has been responsible for the design and manufacture of various electric guitars and basses’ models, some of which are often associated with rock and popular music icons. In the case of asymmetric waist guitars, called offset, the Jazzmaster, Jaguar and Mustang models, also from the Fender brand, are possibly the most recognizable as they are linked to genres such as surf rock and alternative rock, to name a few. Fender recently released the Player Plus Meteora HH model, which differs from the model originally released in 2018 as part of the Parallel Universe series; the latter being more like an offset Telecaster, because the hardware and electronics correspond to said model. On the Player Plus Meteora HH, a two-screw tremolo-style bridge and dual-coil pickups were incorporated, with a switch on the master volume knob to split the coils of both humbuckers. This work is a review of the Fender Player Plus Meteora HH, in which its main attributes are presented in greater detail, as well as making a comparison against another Fender model.


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How to Cite
Jerkovic, M., & Collantes González, R. (2024). Fender player plus meteora HH: Una reseña. Llalliq, 4(1), Pág. 45–58. https://doi.org/10.32911/llalliq.2024.v4.n1.1023
Historia y Arte
Author Biographies

Maricsa Jerkovic, Universidad Tecnológica OTEIMA, Sede David – Chiriquí, Panamá



Ruben Collantes González, Instituto de Investigación Agropecuaria de Panamá (IDIAP)




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Fender. (2023). Electric guitars. Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. https://www.fender.com/en-US/electric-guitars/?start=0&sz=24

France, P. (2023). 8 THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT LEO FENDER: In celebration of what would have been his 108th birthday. Fender. https://www.fender.com/articles/behind-the-scenes/8-things-you-might-not-know-about-leo-fender

Robertson, D. (2022). Best offset guitars 2023: enter the weird world of wonky guitars from Fender, Epiphone, G&L, Duesenberg and more. Guitar World. https://www.guitarworld.com/features/best-offset-guitars