Test of human acid, for the production of castilla frijol (Vigna unguiculata L.), in the experimental field of the anitos province of Barranca


  • José Antonio Legua Cardenas Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión. Huacho
  • Javier Jonás Espinoza García Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo. Huaraz
  • Dante Daniel Cruz Nieto Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión. Huacho
  • Francisco Espinoza Montesinos Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo. Huaraz
  • José Del Carmen Ramírez Maldonado Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo. Huaraz
  • Edgar Amador Espinoza Montesinos Universidad para el Desarrollo Andino. Lircay-Huancavelica




Castilla Bean, Humic Acid, Yield, Profitability


The research was conducted in the Los Anitos experimental field and aims to
determine the doses of humic acid, in castilla beans, started in November 2015, the
treatments were established (T1 = 00, T2 = 50, T3 = 100, T4 = 150 ml Liqhumus /
20 l. Water), the application was made in three moments, it was evaluated until harvest
and laboratory. This experiment was carried out in four treatments and four blocks,
using the Design of Block Completely Random (DBCA). The statistical analysis that
was performed was the analysis of variance at 1%, 5%, and Duncan’s test at 5%. The
results were obtained in which the highest dose (150 ml / 20 l water) stood out the
T4 with 48,075 cm of height, 28,55 number of flowers, 42,44 sampling of number
of pods per plant, 103,63 g. sampling of pod weight and 2,501 Tm / ha commercial
yield, in laboratory good results were determined with: 18.35 cm of pod length, 12.67
number of grains per pod, 0,43 g grain weight per pod and 23,62 g, however, all were
in the medium range (18 - 25 g). Also stood out in higher profitability is 45,92%


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How to Cite

Legua Cardenas, J. A., Espinoza García, J. J., Cruz Nieto, D. D., Espinoza Montesinos, F., Ramírez Maldonado, J. D. C., & Espinoza Montesinos, E. A. (2019). Test of human acid, for the production of castilla frijol (Vigna unguiculata L.), in the experimental field of the anitos province of Barranca. Aporte Santiaguino, 11(2), pág. 287–298. https://doi.org/10.32911/as.2018.v11.n2.582



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