Aporte Santiaguino https://revistas.unasam.edu.pe/index.php/Aporte_Santiaguino <p style="color: #084b8a;">&nbsp;Online ISSN: 2616-9541 Print ISSN: 2070-836X</p> <p>La revista de investigación<strong>&nbsp;</strong><em style="color: #084b8a;"><strong>Aporte Santiaguino</strong>&nbsp;</em>es una publicación científica de periodicidad semestral. Tiene como objetivo difundir los resultados de los trabajos de investigación desarrollados en los ámbitos regional, nacional e internacional, como una contribución a la solución de la problemática natural, social y cultural, La revista publica artículos científicos originales e inéditos en las áreas de <strong style="color: #084b8a;">ingeniería</strong>. Los trabajos recepcionados son evaluados por árbitros externos según criterios de calidad.</p> Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo es-ES Aporte Santiaguino 2070-836X Ballast coefficient to determine soil-structure interaction by geotechnical zones in Huaraz https://revistas.unasam.edu.pe/index.php/Aporte_Santiaguino/article/view/1093 <p>The research was developed in the district of Huaraz, the objective was to determine values of ballast coefficients in the 05 geotechnical zones established in the seismic microzonation plan of the town and then use them in mathematical models that consider the soil-structure interaction, for this The methodology that was followed was through an applied type of research, with a correlational level, a non-experimental - transversal design, having the 05 geotechnical zones as the population and sample. To search for the data, the appropriately distributed load plate test and special laboratory tests were carried out. The results obtained from the load plate test were grouped into 03 zones, Zone I has a ballast coefficient variation between 0.50 to 2.00 kg/cm3, zone II between 2.01 to 4.00 kg/cm3 and zone III between 4.01 to 7.00 kg/cm3, the research concludes with the modeling of a house considering soil-structure interaction, where an inversely proportional relationship was found between the values of ballast coefficients with the mezzanine distortion of the house, zone I presented greater mezzanine distortion by having unfavorable values, while zone III reflected lower distortion values by having higher values of ballast coefficients.</p> Ruben Dario Aranda Leyva Reynaldo Melquiades Reyes Roque Copyright (c) 2023 Ruben Dario Aranda Leyva, Reynaldo Melquiades Reyes Roque http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 ág. 166 177 10.32911/as.2023.v16.n2.1093 Áreas de inundación por ocurrencia de avenidas máximas en la subcuenca Milagros, Yungay, Perú https://revistas.unasam.edu.pe/index.php/Aporte_Santiaguino/article/view/1092 <p>Flooding of the agricultural areas and homes of the Cañasbamba hamlet represents a problem due to the overflowing of the waters of the Milagros stream in seasons of extreme rainfall. In this research, the objective is to determine the flooding areas due to the occurrence of maximum flows in the Milagros subbasin. Through hydrological modeling with HEC-HMS 4.9, extreme flows of 9, 11, 13.4, 16.9 and 20 m3/sec have been obtained for return periods of 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 years respectively. Field work was carried out to obtain topographic, rheological information and roughness coefficient. Having the flood hydrographs and the field information, we proceeded to hydraulic modeling with FLO-2D for hyperconcentrated flows, where the results showed that the maximum depths reached by the flow are 1.81, 2.04, 2.18, 2.35 and 2.50 m for the aforementioned return periods. The flood areas in the Cañasbamba hamlet have been determined to be 3.43, 3.80, 4.13, 4.60 and 5.23 Ha for the five indicated return periods.</p> Gerardo Máximo Revelo Sánchez Reynaldo Melquiades Reyes Roque Pedro Alejandro Colonia Cerna Teófanes Mejía Anaya Flor Ángela Jara Remigio Copyright (c) 2023 Gerardo Máximo Revelo Sánchez, Reynaldo Melquiades Reyes Roque, Pedro Alejandro Colonia Cerna, Teófanes Mejía Anaya, Flor Ángela Jara Remigio http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 ág. 178 192 10.32911/as.2023.v16.n2.1092