Respecto al determinismo interpretativo en la investigación rupestre peruana. Una perspectiva etnográfica

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Gori-Tumi Echevarría López
Zulfiqar Ali Kalhoro


This article examines the deterministic approach commonly adopted in Peruvian rock art studies, particularly those that link graphic evidence to lithic material at archaeological sites based on association by proximity, which restricts interpretations of this evidence. It is argued that these interpretations have been shaped by Eurocentric analytical parameters, which have prevailed as standardized references to define the nature and meaning of quilcas or rock art in the Andes, limiting their understanding through theoretical lenses that do not adequately reflect the cultural diversity of the region. Through several interpretive texts on quilcas, the authors question these proposals, suggesting to reconsider these approaches in favor of a more nuanced understanding, based both on independent inferences and on the available ethnographic evidence. This article seeks to provide a new look at quilcas or Andean rock art, challenging reductionist interpretations and proposing a more contextualized approach that considers the cultural, temporal and geographical variability of this phenomenon.


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Echevarría López, G.-T. ., & Ali Kalhoro, Z. . (2024). Respecto al determinismo interpretativo en la investigación rupestre peruana. Una perspectiva etnográfica. Llalliq, 4(2), pp. 287–309.
Urbanismo y Arqueología


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