A Key Study for Mental Health in Huaraz City: Understanding Emotional Dysregulation and Self-Harming Behavior in Students of a Higher Technological Institute

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Kiara Cobos Vega
Jackelyn Oroya Robles
Erica González Ponce De León


Difficulties in regulating emotions have led to an increase in inadequate coping behaviors, including self-harm. This study aimed to determine the relationship between emotional dysregulation and self-harming behavior among students at a higher technological institute in Huaraz in 2024. A total of 264 young students aged 17-30 (M=21.7; SD=3.30) participated, with 52.27% females (n=138) and 47.73% males (n=126). They completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Emotional Dysregulation Scale (DERS), and the Self-Harm Assessment Guide for Educators and Researchers (SHAGER) for youth. The results of the statistical analysis showed a moderate positive correlation (Spearman's Rho = .334) between emotional dysregulation and self-harm, with a p value < .001, indicating that the relationship is statistically significant. This indicates that those students with higher levels of emotional dysregulation have a greater risk of engaging in self-harming behaviors. In this sense, the research highlights the importance of addressing emotional regulation as a crucial factor in the design of preventive and therapeutic interventions, in order to mitigate the risk of self-harm in this population. This research highlights the importance of addressing emotional regulation as a crucial factor in designing preventive and therapeutic interventions to mitigate the risk of self-harm in this population.


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How to Cite
Cobos Vega, K., Oroya Robles, J. ., & González Ponce De León, . E. . (2024). A Key Study for Mental Health in Huaraz City: Understanding Emotional Dysregulation and Self-Harming Behavior in Students of a Higher Technological Institute. Llalliq, 4(2), pp. 427–437. https://doi.org/10.32911/llalliq.2024.v4.n2.1186
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