Entrepreneurial capacity: Case of the Faculty of Administration and Tourism of a public university in Peru



Entrepreneurial capacity, Personal, Pocial, Productive capacity


The purpose of this research is to determine the level of entrepreneurial capacity in students of the Faculty of Administration and Tourism of a public university; for this, applied, descriptive, non-experimental and transversal research was carried out. From a population of 621 students, a sample of 238 students from the 2021-I semester was obtained. The Test developed by the Himilce project in Spain was used as a measurement instrument, with 40 questions with 4 answers A) Yes/totally agree, B) quite a bit/often, C) Somewhat/sometime and D) No/not at all. Using the Epidat software, a hypothesis test for one-tailed averages was performed, at a significance level of 0.05. It is concluded that the entrepreneurial capacity in the students of the Faculty of Administration and Tourism of the Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo National University, is greater than 139 points, which is classified as medium-high.


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How to Cite

Díaz Ledesma, J., Toledo Quiñones, R., & Leiva Chauca, O. (2023). Entrepreneurial capacity: Case of the Faculty of Administration and Tourism of a public university in Peru. Llalliq, 3(2), Pág. 289–299. Retrieved from https://revistas.unasam.edu.pe/index.php/llalliq/article/view/1097