The post-romantic rhetoric and the construction of the discourse of absence in the poetry of Wáshington Delgado



post-romantic rhetoric, the interlocutors, the atmosphere of distance, the discourse of absence


The poetry of Washington Delgado (1927 – 2003), in the field of Latin American post-romantic poetry, is one of the most suggestive and representative within the so-called Generation of 50 in Peru. Although the publication of poetry in the 1950s goes beyond the generational space, it is important to note that aesthetics are mobilized beyond the discourses and textualities of the time (Spanish poetry of the first decades of the 20th century). In this way, the objective of this article is to observe the functioning of post-romantic rhetoric through the interlocutors and the atmosphere of “remoteness” in the collection of poems Formas de la Ausencia. Likewise, the aesthetics of the representation of landscape and nature are addressed through the construction of the “discourse of absence” in Delgado’s poetry.


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How to Cite

Mautino Guillén, A., & Pariachi Chilca, Y. (2023). The post-romantic rhetoric and the construction of the discourse of absence in the poetry of Wáshington Delgado. Llalliq, 3(2), Pág. 274–287. Retrieved from