Epiphone guitars and their impact on musical culture
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Epiphone is a renowned brand of musical instruments with more than 150 years of history, being responsible for the manufacture of iconic guitars and whose impact on musical culture transcends to the present. After Gibson acquired the company in 1957, hollow and semi-hollow body guitars stand out within the instrument catalogue. The Casino model was popularized by The Beatles and later that influence was reflected in more contemporary times, since Noel Gallagher, a declared fan of The Beatles, has mostly used the Sheraton and Riviera models during the first albums of the band Oasis. This work is a reflection on how a brand, which many people place as secondary to the Gibson group, has had a significant impact on musical culture. To do this, a total of 30 references related to the subject were reviewed and an Epiphone Sheraton II manufactured in South Korea in 1997 was reviewed and tested; highlighting technical aspects that make these instruments an excellent value for money alternative for both novice and experienced musicians. The results of the analysis reflected that influential songs were performed with Epiphone guitars, being the South Korean manufacture of excellent quality.
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