Abonos orgánicos y niveles de materia orgánica bajo condiciones de invernadero en Ica, Perú





Organic fertilizer, corn, compost, chicken manure, koripacha, vermicompost


Organic fertilizers provide important benefits to the soil and therefore to plants, so it is important to evaluate their effects on different crops. In the present study, the effect of seven organic fertilizers and two levels of organic fertilization was evaluated for the variables plant height, dry matter, total nitrogen extraction, total phosphorus extraction and total potassium extraction in Agroceres variety corn as an indicator plant. under greenhouse conditions in Ica, in a completely randomized design. Chicken manure was the best organic source for the variable plant height. Compost treatments were superior for the total nitrogen extraction variable. The manure treatments stood out in the variable total phosphorus extraction. No significant differences were found between organic sources for total potassium extraction or a clear trend for the dry matter variable. Finally, significant differences were found in organic matter levels of 1% and 2% for all the variables under study.


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Author Biographies

Alfredo Alberto Beyer Arteaga, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina


Edgar Germán Taype Canchos, Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga. Ica. Perú.


Germán Joyo Coronado, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima. Perú.




How to Cite

Beyer Arteaga, A. A., Taype Canchos, E. G., & Joyo Coronado, G. (2021). Abonos orgánicos y niveles de materia orgánica bajo condiciones de invernadero en Ica, Perú. Aporte Santiaguino, 14(1), pág. 21–30. https://doi.org/10.32911/as.2021.v14.n1.741



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