Estimated heritability of body weight and fibers length in alpacas Huacaya




alpaca, body weight, fibers length, heritability


In this study was analyzed the body weight, fleece weight and fiber length of 1363 alpacas of the Huacaya
breed, in the Sociedad Agricola de Interes Social (SAIS) Pachacutec Ltda. Nº 7, placed in Yauli county,
Department of Junin, at 4200 meters over sea. The objectives were: to find averages, correlations, regressions
and heritability of body weight, fleece weight and fibers length in Huacaya alpacas. The productive
characteristics of the 1363 alpacaswere: bodyweight, 58, 40±6, 37 kg; fleeceweight, 2, 27±0, 66 kg and
fibers length, 11, 11±1, 99 cm. The weight of the progeny at birth and at weaning were: 7, 31±1, 03 and
31, 41 ± 4, 96, respectively. The correlation coecients for body weight-fleece weight and fleece weight-
fibers length in 1363 alpacas, have values of 0, 074 and 0, 311, respectively. The regression coecients
were 0, 009 and 1, 20 for body weight-fleece weigth and fleece weight-fibers length, respectively. To estimate
heritability, records of 764 mothers alpacas (progenitor) and their ospring (progeny) was used.
The calculation of the variance componentswas performed using the parent-ospring regression, the values
of heritability of liveweight and fibers length of Huacaya alpacaswere 0, 27±0, 08 and 0, 21±0, 07,


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How to Cite

Roque Gonzalez, J. (2019). Estimated heritability of body weight and fibers length in alpacas Huacaya. Aporte Santiaguino, 12(2), Pág: 161–173.



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