Stray dogs and their relationship with the public road pollution in Huaraz city, Ancash-Perú-2017


  • Edell Aliaga Zegarra Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo. Huaraz, Perú.
  • Miguelina Santillan Torres Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo. Huaraz, Perú.
  • Edson Yupanqui Torres Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo. Huaraz, Perú.
  • Flormila Vicuña Perez Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo. Huaraz, Perú.
  • Irma Mandujano Aylas Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo. Huaraz, Perú.
  • Edwin Asnate Salazar Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo. Huaraz, Perú.
  • Veronica Briceño Luna Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo. Huaraz, Perú.
  • Ursula Lezameta Blas Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo. Huaraz, Perú.



stray dogs, zoonotic parasites, coprological, canine contamination, Perú


Currently, irresponsible dog ownership is perceived, we observe a lot of these wandering on public
roads in cities, Huaraz is no stranger to this problem, the dogs cause discomfort, forming packs that
attack people, spread garbage, litter the streets , parks and gardens with urine and feces, which are
sprayed and dispersed in the air causing diseases. The objective was to determine the relationship between
stray dogs and pollution of public roads in the city of Huaraz, Ancash - Peru 2017. Correlation
studies, doing: Counting of dogs, being the population and sample all dogs; survey to family heads,
population and sample 7460 and 366 dwellings respectively; coprological analysis, population all feces
and sample 153 fresh feces for convenience in the six neighborhoods. In addition, municipal and
health authorities were interviewed. A total of 1239 stray dogs were determined; 76, 0 % of all surveyed
raised dogs with a p value of 0, 000 indicating a signicant relationship between stray dogs and
pollution of public roads, it was found that 15, 7 % of Ancylostoma spp, 3, 3 % of Diphilidiun caninum
and 1, 3 % of Giardia spp by the method of direct observation andWillis


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How to Cite

Aliaga Zegarra, E., Santillan Torres, M., Yupanqui Torres, E., Vicuña Perez, F., Mandujano Aylas, I., Asnate Salazar, E., Briceño Luna, V., & Lezameta Blas, U. (2019). Stray dogs and their relationship with the public road pollution in Huaraz city, Ancash-Perú-2017. Aporte Santiaguino, 12(1), Pág: 34–44.



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