Carbon reserve in livestock herds and its socioeconomic environmental relationship in the lower basin of the river Shanusi Alto Amazonas -Loreto-Peru


  • Marco Mathios Flores Universidad Nacional Agraria LaMolina (UNALM). Lima, Perú
  • Julio Alegre Orihuela Universidad Nacional Agraria LaMolina (UNALM). Lima, Perú
  • Jose Aguilar Vasquez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Alto Amazonas.Yurimaguas, Perú
  • William Celis Pinedo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Alto Amazonas.Yurimaguas, Perú



carbon stock, herds, Shanusi river, Perú


The carbon reserve in livestock herds is evaluated and its socioeconomic and environmental relationship
in the lower basin of the river Shanusi Alto Amazonas -Loreto-Peru. For the evaluation of carbon
reserves, the allometric equations of theManual Determination of Total Carbon Reserves were used
in the dierent systems of land use in Peru and for the characterization of the socioeconomic and environmental
relationships of the herds of cattle, questionnaire for on-site interviews. The maximum accumulation
of carbon per herd of cattlewas 10, 07 tCO2(e)/ha and the minimum of 0, 966tCO2(e)/ha
at an average of 3, 66 t CO2(e)/ha, out of the 374 hectares that make up the total area of the 20 cattle
herds. The simulation of carbon accumulation in 10 years at 5tCO2(e) was of 44556, 82 for the highest
and the lowest of $ 21, 39. In the degree of environmental importance 60 % clean air is given, as well
as the range of pasture; in the social part, the family is considered 65 %, motivation for livestock 45 %;
In the economic area, 60 % consider it important to dedicate themselves to the cattle herd and obtain
other products, as well as to negotiate 60 % carbon credits. The accumulation of carbon in livestock
herds is very low because there is no adequate technology in biomass production in improved pastures.
In addition, comparisons of systems with improved pastures with trees of native species should
be made


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How to Cite

Mathios Flores, M., Alegre Orihuela, J., Aguilar Vasquez, J., & Celis Pinedo, W. (2019). Carbon reserve in livestock herds and its socioeconomic environmental relationship in the lower basin of the river Shanusi Alto Amazonas -Loreto-Peru. Aporte Santiaguino, 12(1), pág. 21–33.



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