The estimation of the factors that determine the productivity of the public universities of the Southern region of Mexico




Productivity analysis, Efficiency analysis, Malmquist productivity index, Public universities, Mexico


Mexican public universities have placed special interest in achieving their objectives eciently; the
above, becomes more relevant if the university is considered as an organization whose goals are non-
nancial, so, it requires public resources to achieve its goals. The objective of this study is to estimate
the factors that determine the productivity of public universities in the Southern region of Mexico
during the period 2007 to 2017; for this,were used the inputs and outputs that make up the substantive
functions of the universities, in the estimation the technique Data Envelopment Analysiswas used
to determine theMalmquist Productivity Index of 8 public universities. The ndingswere that in the
group of universities analyzed there is an increase in productivity, and that this is due to the improvement
in the productive processes; likewise, universities act according to the principle of eciency. As
conclusions we can point out, that the estimations by means of the Malmquist productivity Index
allow to know the determining factors in the productivity of the studied units, and the size of the
universities represents a fundamental element in the positive changes of the university productivity


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How to Cite

Reyes Fong, T., Esparza Aguilar, J. L., & De la Torre Cruz, M. D. R. (2019). The estimation of the factors that determine the productivity of the public universities of the Southern region of Mexico. Aporte Santiaguino, 12(1), Pág: 09–20.



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