Implementation the sublevel stopping method to increase productivity in the exploitation the anthracite coal deposits in Callejón de Huaylas – 2018
Sublevel stopping, Productivity, Rock mass, RecoveryAbstract
The anthracite coal deposits located in the department of Ancash, the vast majority are exploited by artisan methods such as interim storage and chambers and pillars, with very low levels of productivity and recovery is that in the best of the cases reaches 55%. The implementation of the sub-level exploitation method is a very attractive alternative which allows to significantly improve productivity at low costs and good occupational health and safety conditions for personnel. For this implementation, the geomecanic characterization was carried out according to the system proposed by Bieniawski "Rock Mass Raiting" determining values of RMR ceiling 50, RMR floor 49 and mineral RMR 33, these values and the structural conditions allowed us to achieve KPI productivity indicators "Key Indicator performance "very favorable for the mining producer. The processing and analysis of the data is presented in detail using the analysis before and after the implementation of the mining by subsidence by sublevels, whose productivity parameters are associated with labor, Explosives, sustainability, energy consumption, consumption of compressed air and finally the costs; To determine if there are significant differences, the t-student statistical test was used, with a significance level of 5%. Finally, the results referring to the productivity indicators are presented, concluding that it is feasible to implement the Sinking method by sub levels in the anthracite coal deposits.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ricardo Cayo Castillejo Melgarejo, Javier Enrrique Sotelo Montes, Antonio Mariano Domínguez Flores, Walter Nicolaw Romero Vega, Raúl Edgar Castillejo Melgarejo, Lourdes Liz Huamán Romero

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