/* Read Only by HTML5 UP html5up.net | @ajlkn Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license) */ (function($) { var $window = $(window), $body = $('body'), $header = $('#header'), $titleBar = null, $nav = $('#nav'), $wrapper = $('#wrapper'); // Breakpoints. breakpoints({ xlarge: [ '1281px', '1680px' ], large: [ '1025px', '1280px' ], medium: [ '737px', '1024px' ], small: [ '481px', '736px' ], xsmall: [ null, '480px' ], }); // Play initial animations on page load. $window.on('load', function() { window.setTimeout(function() { $body.removeClass('is-preload'); }, 100); }); // Tweaks/fixes. // Polyfill: Object fit. if (!browser.canUse('object-fit')) { $('.image[data-position]').each(function() { var $this = $(this), $img = $this.children('img'); // Apply img as background. $this .css('background-image', 'url("' + $img.attr('src') + '")') .css('background-position', $this.data('position')) .css('background-size', 'cover') .css('background-repeat', 'no-repeat'); // Hide img. $img .css('opacity', '0'); }); } // Header Panel. // Nav. var $nav_a = $nav.find('a'); $nav_a .addClass('scrolly') .on('click', function() { var $this = $(this); // External link? Bail. if ($this.attr('href').charAt(0) != '#') return; // Deactivate all links. $nav_a.removeClass('active'); // Activate link *and* lock it (so Scrollex doesn't try to activate other links as we're scrolling to this one's section). $this .addClass('active') .addClass('active-locked'); }) .each(function() { var $this = $(this), id = $this.attr('href'), $section = $(id); // No section for this link? Bail. if ($section.length < 1) return; // Scrollex. $section.scrollex({ mode: 'middle', top: '5vh', bottom: '5vh', initialize: function() { // Deactivate section. $section.addClass('inactive'); }, enter: function() { // Activate section. $section.removeClass('inactive'); // No locked links? Deactivate all links and activate this section's one. if ($nav_a.filter('.active-locked').length == 0) { $nav_a.removeClass('active'); $this.addClass('active'); } // Otherwise, if this section's link is the one that's locked, unlock it. else if ($this.hasClass('active-locked')) $this.removeClass('active-locked'); } }); }); // Title Bar. $titleBar = $( '
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